FAQ1 How to Join Shore Riders
We are happy to welcome new members. Email shoreridersponyclub@gmail.com for more info or to set up a meeting. Before joining, one of the club officers will meet with you to review our club policies and provide you with an overview of the Shore Riders activities. We also welcome prospective members to any unmounted meeting. Scheduled unmounted meetings can be found on the Shore Riders calendar: https://shoreriders.ponyclub.org/pages/601.aspx . Upon payment of all membership dues you will be given your Shore Riders Pony Club notebook containing your USPC membership pin, riding armband, and various handouts on Shore Riders ratings, rallies, and policies. This meeting will last approximately 1. hour.
The Pony Club membership year runs from January 1st through December 31st. You can join anytime during the year, but all memberships end on December 31st and must be renewed for the next year.
New members, prorated new members, and renewing members all use the same membership form:
Membership Types:
Membership fees for NEW members for 2025:
$155 - USPC National dues
+ $30 - Delmarva Regional dues
+ $10 - Shore Riders Pony Club sponsor's fee (optional)
= $195.00
All memberships run for 1 calendar year, beginning on January 1st, 2022. Regardless of what month you join, your membership year will end on December 31st of that year. If you join after January 1st, please contact the club District Commissioner for assistance with completing the USPC membership form.
Membership fees for PRORATED* members (for 16 months, Sept 1, 2025-Dec 2026.
USPC Dues:
* Prorated memberships are not available until Sept 1 of the current year. This is a good option if you want your child to benefit from all club activities for Sept, October, November, and December including the bi-weekly winter study groups in November and December . This option is not valid after December of the current year, nor is it a practical choice after December 15th-ish as you would be paying an extra $45 to participate in very few, if any, club activities in late December.
Personal checks should be made out to "Shore Riders Pony Club".
Who am I?
When you join the Shore Riders Pony Club you become;
> A member of the US Pony Club. As in "I'm a pony clubber".
> A regional member of the USPC Delmarva Region. As in "there are so many fun things to do on the regional calendar".
> A club member of Shore Riders. As in "I love our club's mounted and unmounted meetings!"
Altogether it would be said like this; "I am a proud pony clubber with Shore Riders in the Delmarva Region of the United States Pony Club".