Shore Riders

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Payments for our SRPC Hunter Pace, USPC regional dues, Rally Payments, clinic fees, etc can be done on-line via


For VENMO payments:   send payments to username

For PAYPAL payments:  click on the "Buy Now" button below.  After clicking on the button, Enter the dollar amount on the first window, do NOT enter the dollar sign ($), and click "Continue".   On the following window, Sign-on to your Paypal account.  

For CREDIT/DEBIT CARD payments:  Please use the "Buy Now" button below.  After clicking on the button,   Enter the dollar amount on the first window, do NOT enter the dollar sign ($), and click "Continue".  On the following window, click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card".   

PayPal is the company used to process the credit card.  You do NOT have to have a PayPal account to use this link.